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Word and topic analysis

The tool will give you two additional viewpoints from which you can assess your datasets. One of them is by using the word analysis - the tool will generate filters based on words that were found to appear in your dataset. With these filters you can include or exclude certain words and all the papers that are linked to them. You will have access to two set of concepts:

  1. A preloaded list of the most common concepts/keywords found in the dataset, which you get when clicking in the “select keyword” box in the Filter menu. This is great to use both for getting a quick overview of the main Concepts - and of course for filtering.
  2. A searchable list of all concepts and keywords found in the dataset. You get this by typing in a word in the “select keywords/concepts” box in the Filter menu. All the words you find when searching are actually concepts/keywords that are present to a larger or smaller degree in the data set.
  3. (If there is a word you can not find in the concept list when searching, it means this concept has not been found in the dataset)

The other perspective comes from the topic analysis on your dataset, which provides you with a list of specific topics (illustrated by a string of 10 words) found in the dataset. The topics then can be used as an inclusion or exclusion criteria to filter down a selection of documents. The topics will indicate how many articles are found within the topic, and do keep in mind that one document can be part of multiple topics.