.1TechnologySeptember 30, 2016 Victor Botev How does the new version of Iris.ai work?With our version 2.0 launch Iris.AI has officially become a toddler. Gone are the days when baby Iris.AI could only deal with those really cool TED Talks to begin making sense of the vast, fascinating world of science. She can now also read the abstract of pretty much any English-language scientific paper — a great […]
.2TechnologyApril 7, 2016 Victor Botev What Iris.ai can learn from AlphaGoLearning from AlphaGo A lot of people have compared DeepMind’s AlphaGo to IBM’s Deep Blue after the former’s well publicized defeat of the 18-time go world champion, Lee Se-dol. And some of the comparison have been drawn in an attempt to take away some of the merit attributed to DeepMind’s AI and the achievement it […]
.3ResearchMarch 10, 2016 Victor Botev Iris.ai and the Future of ScienceAfter the initial launch of Iris.ai a lot of interested people have contacted us to find out more about our technology, our future roadmap and the impact we ambition to generate in the world. One of them was our friend from Chalmers University of Technology Christian Berger, Associate professor in Software Engineering at the Computer […]
.4Iris.ai JourneyFebruary 15, 2016 Victor Botev How exactly does Iris.ai work?How exactly does Iris.ai do it all? Iris.ai is our baby and she is learning as fast as she can. But how does she do it? A lot of people have asked us about the process she follows when linking open access science to any TED talk we ask her about. The short answer is […]