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May 19, 2023
By Ada
artificial intelligencecollaborationiris ailiterature reviewresearchresearch assistantresearch tools

Customer success story with Dr. Chew Chiou Sheng


What made you realize that you needed something like

As a researcher and an educator, one of my interests is exploring useful tools to help researchers to speed up their research process. In 2018, I discovered  powerful Explore & Focus tools from The Explore tool is my favorite and it’s always my first choice when I recommend research tools to my students. The Explore & Focus tools help me discover more papers that I may have missed.

Why did you choose to use our tools over other options? was the first AI tool that I tried out in 2018. Back then there weren’t many applications for research discovery and definitely stood out to me. The company’s vision highly resonates with me.

How did you find out about Researcher Workspace?

I have been an follower since 2018, and I have always kept up with the news. I was lucky enough to be offered access to the Researcher Workspace, before its release for individual subscriptions.

Could you tell me about a project where you used the Researcher Workspace for?

I am trying out a project named Collaborative Learning that I used for my Grant Application. assisted me in identifying more related papers for my literature review.

Can you talk us through the process of how you used the Researcher Workspace for that project?

I use the Researcher Workspace in two ways. The first way I’m using the Explore tool is by inputting the link to one of my relevant papers. Then, provides me with more quality papers that are interesting for my topic. The second way I’m using the Researcher Workspace is by importing articles from Mendeley. I export the references as CSV/RIS and then import them into the RW. After that I apply Analyze and Filter tools to help me narrow down the list of articles to make it more specific and closer to my research needs.

What challenges did you experience that helped you overcome?

The biggest challenge that I have experienced is the fear of missing important papers.’s Explore tool uses synonyms and concepts instead of simple keywords. Therefore, I was able to discover articles on my topic that were using different phrases than I did.

Would you recommend the Researcher Workspace to other people?

Of course, I will! I regularly hold workshops for my students in Malaysia where I present the tools. I am very excited for the development of the Researcher Workspace and I can’t wait until it will be open for individual users. 

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