Announcement: The Researcher Workspace 0.8 release
We are happy to announce that the Researcher Workspace v.0.8 is now available! Meet the newest features:
Space search criteria
Fork a map
Relevant article highlighting
User Profile
Do you want to try out the Researcher Workspace? Get in touch!
Space search criteria
We added additional filters to the Explore tool. Now you can filter your search results before starting the search. From the Explore tool page you can choose which datasets you want to search within and restrict the search by the publishing date or repositories.

Fork a map
“Fork a map” allows you to edit a copy of the map by editing the structure of the fingerprint. You can expand all concepts of the map to get a better overview. You can merge and move concepts around to change it as it suits you the most, organize the map and get better control of the content.
Relevant article highlighting
Another useful feature is marking articles as relevant. If you mark the article as relevant in the map it will get highlighted – the same goes for highlighting in the dataset. So it’s easier to find it.

User Profile
Now you can edit your information in the user profile.
We saved the best for last! The newest version of the RW has project space implemented. “Projects” is a collaborative space for your organization, where you can work together.
Keep an eye out for the next product announcement, the Researcher Workspace 1.0, which is coming out very very soon!
Interested in a demo? Contact us!