Announcement: New features in 7.3

We are excited to announce that a new version of our tools – 7.3 is available now! As always we’ve improved current features, fixed bugs and added some brand new shiny features ✨

Suggesting saved maps

When you are using the Explore tool to generate a map (using URL or problem statement) now our engine will recommend to you all the maps that have already been generated with this same title or using the same link. There you are able to choose whether you’d like to view an already existing map or to generate a new map.

Export your results in EndNote

Now in both Explore and Focus tool you can export your results in EndNote format. 

Other improvements

We always work hard on improving our tools but it’s not always visible from the user  perspective. We have fixed bugs with pop ups, improved the dark mode, updated Django and Python and many many more!

If you have any features on your wish list that haven’t been created yet, let us know at ✌️